Ozar Hill Cottages

Abode in Nature

Living in the mountains allows you to escape the stress and bustle of city life. It’s like taking a deep breath of fresh air. The mountain air is beneficial to one’s health and well-being. Toxins that exist in towns and cities do not exist in the wilderness, and the fresh, clean mountain air becomes an oxygen-rich delight for the lungs.

The mountains’ endless views, enduring fresh air, scenic hikes, and huge acreage captivate minds and hearts alike. Nestled amid nature’s highest altitudes, experience unrivalled relaxation or uncontrolled excitement.

Splendid Mountain Properties

Mountain real estate puts you right in the centre of nature, far away from the crowds. The mountains gives you balance and perspective, whether you’re stargazing away from city lights where the Milky Way crystalizes in full splendid display, listening to the soothing sounds of mountain streams, or viewing wildlife in their natural habitat.



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Our Cottages

Offering a home  where you reconnect with family and environment. Turing special occasions and celebrations- weddings, birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas feasts with multiple generations into a memorable one amidst nature. Being so close to the earth replenishes and grounds one’s spirit. It’s a place where people and animals have fun and make memories that will last a lifetime. It’s a place where freedom is the prize and independence is the lesson.

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A Dream Location Amidst the Mountains

Renuka lake is one of the largest natural lakes in Himachal Pradesh, it is enclosed with many temples and a wildlife sanctuary.

The Lake is an ideal location for relaxing and rejuvenating in nature’s embrace. The lake is located in a long valley bordered by thick woodlands and slopes covered in a diversity of vegetation. This is the ideal year-round destination that entices all visitors. Apart from the beautiful lake , Renukaji himachal has a wild life sanctuary which covers an area of about 30 sq. kms. with a buffer belt of 2 sq. kms.


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